COSTIGAN FITNESS Welcome To Get Healthy     Stay Fit     Be Happy
WELCOME TO Costigan Fitness

Join over 100 Costigan Fitness clients that believe results matter. We will help you achieve any realistic goal set based around you and your lifestyle. You are very important to us, you are on your own journey and will face different obstacles at each turn, it is our job to help you overcome those obstacles as quickly and effectively as possible.

We are a fitness company based at Everlast Fitness, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. We specialise in online coaching, personal training, personalised training programmes, personalised diet and nutritional programmes. These specialisations are to meet the needs of our clients when achieving results such as fat loss, weight loss, muscle building, weight gaining, shaping and toning.

This is perfect for the hardworking client that just needs a push in the right direction.
We are based in Merthyr Tydfil but we specialise in worldwide coaching to help you achieve some crazy results such as fat loss, shredding, toning and building muscle.
Just need a help with your nutrition? Get a Specifically tailored diet plan from Costigan fitness which is designed around you and your lifestyle!
For anyone needing motivation this is the one for you! Specialising in Group and 1:1 Professional training based at Everlast Fitness Merthyr Tydfil. Join our clients and achieve the results you desire faster than you could on your own.
Just need a training plan? Get a Specifically tailored training programme which will help you achieve the most effective workout routine based on your lifestyle.
our clients
Jane Alexandria Wallbank

12 weeks of sessions
God help me!!

Thank god I had Mat as my PT though. Supportive, pushed you, a wealth of information and inspiration. Let’s be fair, you only get out what you put in and i truly didn’t follow the rules. I sucked at updating any sessions and the diet, well that’s another story. But Mat kept pushing me, through injury, last minute session changes and support when I felt like giving up!

I cannot thank you enough because now I have every tool available to let me continue to push for my goals and I also love the gym. Not just the physical changes but the mental strength it gives you.

Thank you for being patient and supporting me all the way Mat

Top PT

Rebecca Membury

From first speaking with Mathew about PT sessions, I felt at ease as you can immediately tell Mathew is enthusiastic and supportive of his clients which is what made me sign up for the initial 12 weeks.

Over the past 5 months Mathew has listened and encouraged and challenged me to do better in my training and my diet. I know I’ve not been the easiest to put up with especially with the diet and the updating on progress but I can’t thank Mathew enough for all his advice and support throughout this time he’s been great.

I truly would recommend Mathew to anyone who is thinking of having personal training sessions as you will not only see the results but know you are supported and encouraged to achieve the result you want.

Jane Alexandria Wallbank

Very motivating and extremely helpful! Gone from being very unfit to being able to run a couple of miles! Would definitely recommend!

Nikki Helendavies

one of the best PT’s and a friend too.
he always says hi, and always nice to see him
gives the best advice

Garin Evans

Mathew is very efficient with the fitness, he slowly builds you up to things you couldn’t even do from previous months, he is very helpful outside of the gym too. Very pleased to be a client.

Michael John Coombes
I have been training with Mathew since October 2015, and already i’ve lost 6 stone in weight and body fat. Mathew will push you to your limits and make you achieve realistic goals in your timeframe. He is reliable and is always putting 110% into making you achieve your goals. Any problems or advice Mathew is always happy to help and is always on hand when your struggling. I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without his continuing support and motivation

Penny Cox
Iv been training with Mathew for a few weeks now an the results for traning with him absolutely amazing i got in to cloths i couldnt fit it his training is 100% fantastic i see the results Mathew is a fab trainer an i enjoy training every week his app waight loss program amazing thank u math x

Hannah Reddy
I started my first block of PT 3 months ago. I was so nervous, I was at my heaviest and so unfit! The transformation in 12 weeks has been fantastic and that’s all down to Mathews hard work. The sessions have really pushed me but the change in weight and my fitness has been huge! Mathew is professional and hard working with such passion for what he does. Looking forward to the next block!

Andrew Eyles
I’ve waited 2 months to post this…I’ll be honest I was sceptical of the whole personal trainer thing and thought my fitness and body composition was o.k!
I started training with Matt in May and enjoyed the initial sessions although I was concerned about the diet! Matt explained and reassured me why it was so strict and also pointed about the weight I’d lose was purely body fat. I’ve managed to find some flexibility in the diet with Matt’s support and thoroughly enjoyed all my sessions with him. The results I’ve had in the last 2 months have been (in my eyes) unbelievable.
I’m so happy with the way the training is going and would thoroughly recommend training with Matt! If your stuck in a rut (as I was) just get in touch with him….you won’t regret it

Karen Collins
Mathew listens to you and then gives you all the help, advice and motivation required to achieve and surpass your goals.
I can’t believe how much my body has changed and how much better I feel after following the diet and exercise advice that I have been given. I have lost 15 kg and reduced my body fat from 36% to 21.5%.

Lucy Rachel Jones
Very motivating and extremely helpful! Gone from being very unfit to being able to run a couple of miles! Would definitely recommend!

What we do
Nutritional plans

Specifically tailored diet plans from Costigan fitness are designed around you and your lifestyle to allow you to aim your daily routine towards the results you desire


Although we are based in Merthyr Tydfil we specialise in worldwide coaching to help clients achieve results such as fatloss, shredding, toning and building muscle.

Training Programmes
Specifically tailored training programmes will help you achieve the most effective workout routine based on your lifestyle and desired results


We Specialise in Group and 1:1 Professional training based at Everlast Fitness Merthyr Tydfil. This will allow clients to achieve the results they desire faster than they could on their own

for her

At Costigan fitness we know that every person has a different preference when it comes to exercising. Which is why we have designed specifically tailored 12 week programmes just for women . Join the team and start to feel good in your skin.

for HIM

Join Costigan Fitness male clients on their journeys to Muscular or Shredded physiques! Our male 12 week programmes have been designed with men and their goals in mind. Get big or ripped now.


most popular
1 – Shredded 6 Pack Abs (FOR HIM)
Shredded 6 Pack Abs is aimed towards but not exclusive to males and is based on high intensity metabolic workouts to help make that stubborn belly fat melt away to reveal those hidden abs.
2 – Bikini body (FOR HER)
Bikini Body is aimed towards but not exclusive to females and is based on fat loss whilst maintaining overall muscle to reveal definition to give a shaped and toned look.
3 – Bubble Butt (FOR HER)
Bubble Butt is aimed towards but not exclusive to females and is based on workouts that build muscle on your bum whilst shaping and toning the rest of your body.
Our Most
Our Most
Popular Plans
Online Coaching
Per Month
Personalised Online Coaching
12 Weeks
Tailored Training Plan
Tailored Nutritional Plan
Access to PT App
24 Hour Support
Weekly check-ins
1-1 PT
Per month
12 Weeks
24 Hours of PT (can be split into 48x30m sessions)
Tailored Training Plan
Tailored Nutritional Plan
Access to PT App
Weekly Video Check-ins
24 Hour Support
Weekly check-ins
Group of 3 PT
Per month
12 Weeks
24 Hours of PT (can be split into 48x30m sessions)
Tailored Training Plan
Tailored Nutritional Plan
Access to PT App
24 Hour Support Group
Weekly check-ins

Based: South Wales Clients: Over 100 Experience: over 6 Years Mathew Costigan 07939 964816 Personal Trainer
Qualifications: LVL 3 Personal training
CPD Group training (Circuits)
CPD Gym based boxing
CPD Gym Cycling (Spin)
Mathew Costigan
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